American Idols | Amanda Overmyer Terrible Hair

Amanda Overmyer get rid of that "terrible hair" was Simon's opinion on American Idol tonight after her perfomance of Carry On Wayward Son. All three judges felt the song was completely wrong for her. I actually agree on that. AMANDA OVERMYER stick to your blues style that got you on the show in the first place!!! Each of the judges tonight Paula included thought her look was a bit over the top. Paula stated "Your a beautiful girl and dont need to overdue that make up" If Amanda expects to go on in this competition she's going to have bend to the judges will just a bit. Amanda dont get too down though cause they didnt like Ramiele Malubay or Alaina Whitaker song choices either. Simon did suggest that Asia'h Epperson may be the dark horse of the competition. I'm getting the feeling its going to be a tough road for all the females on American Idol this year.

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